Shuai Du


Teaching in Beijing Contemporary Music Academy Shuai Du is a versatile drummer who often performs with many other Chinese musicians.

Istanbul Agop Agop Signature Crash Agop Signature Agop Signature Crash
Paper thin, dark, dry and low pitched.
Istanbul Agop Traditional Dark Crash Traditional Traditional Dark Crash
Dark and punchy. Answers quickly with fe...
Istanbul Agop Traditional Splash Traditional Traditional Splash
Dark and warm with a papery attack.
Istanbul Agop Traditional Trash Hi Traditional Traditional Trash Hit
A unique and creative lathing process gi...
Istanbul Agop Epoch Hi Hats Epoch Signature Epoch Hi-Hats
Epoch Hi-Hat is heavy and dark, yet easi...
Istanbul Agop Sultan Crash Custom Sultan/Sultan Jazz Sultan Crash
Full, soft and colorful. Perfect combina...
Istanbul Agop 20 Sterling Ride Sterling Signature Sterling Crash Ride
The 20" Sterling Crash Ride is designed...