Chad Cromwell

Neil Young, Studio

Xist Dry Dark Hi Hats XIST Xist Dry Dark Hi Hats
Pointed, dark and trashy attack with a f...
30th Anniversary 30th Anniversary Ride
30th Anniversary Rides offer rich and fu...
Istanbul Agop OM Hi Hat Pair OM Signature OM Hi-Hats
Low, dark and sloshy, with a clear chick...
Istanbul Agop OM Ride Cymbal OM Signature OM Ride
The 22" OM Ride has a clear, slightly me...
Istanbul Agop OM Crash Cymbal OM Signature OM Crash
OM Crashes are paper thin, with an explo...
Istanbul Agop Traditional Jazz Ride Traditional Traditional Jazz Ride
Musical and Omnipresent stick sound with...
Istanbul Agop Traditional Jazz Hi Hats Traditional Traditional Jazz Hi Hats
Clear and focused chick sound and sticki...