Sleep Token II

Sleep Token

'Behind the veil of metal’s fastest-rising act, lies uncompromising creative integrity; and Sleep Token’s signature blend of jaw-dropping percussive dexterity and groove can be attributed to the mysterious collective’s II.

Istanbul Agop Clap Stack Set Clap Stack Signature Clap Stack
Designed with Trevor Lawrence Jr, the Is...
Istanbul Agop Traditional Splash Traditional Traditional Splash
Dark and warm with a papery attack.
Istanbul Agop Traditional Medium Hi Hats Traditional Traditional Medium Hi-Hats
Full bodied sticking soft and warm quali...
Istanbul Agop XIST Ion Dark Crash XIST Xist ION Dark Crash
A darker, drier take on the Xist Ion Ser...
Istanbul Agop Traditional Mini China Traditional Traditional Mini China
Exotic, fast and bright with a quick res...
Istanbul Agop Traditional Trash Hi Traditional Traditional Trash Hit
A unique and creative lathing process gi...
Istanbul Agop Traditional Dark Crash Traditional Traditional Dark Crash
Dark and punchy. Answers quickly with fe...
Istanbul Agop Dry Dark Ride XIST Xist Dry Dark Ride
A dry, well defined attack with a quick...
Istanbul Agop OM Crash Cymbal OM Signature OM Crash
OM Crashes are paper thin, with an explo...
Istanbul Agop XIST Dry Dark Brilliant Crash XIST Xist Dry Dark Brilliant Crash
A brilliantly finished version of Xist D...